This domain is 100% owned and operated by Medicina Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Medicina Mexico, S. A. de C.V. is a Mexican Corporation in good standing.
Currently, we own and operate 93 pharmacies in the Country of Mexico of which each is licensed and regulated by our government.
We also own numerous web domains and each of them will contain Medicina Mexico, SA de CV as required by our regulatory.
Getting a license to operate a pharmacy in Mexico is a lot harder than most countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. As an
example these are just some of our permits, licensed and fees:
Click here and you will see our Hacienda permit for our pharmacy located in Zona Rio.
Hacienda Permit for Zona Rio
Click here and you will see our Hacienda permit for our pharmacy located in Central Norte Tijuana.
Hacienda Permit for Store 43
Click here and you will see our Bomberos permit for our pharmacy located in Central Norte Tijuana.
Bomberos Permit for Pharmacy 43
Click here and you will see our Pharmacy License issued from the Secretaria de Salud.
Secretary de Salud
Click here and you will see our City of Tijuana renewal fees for our pharmacy located in Zona Rio.
Pharmacy license Renewal fees for Zona Rio
Click here and you will see our Zoining permit for our pharmacy located in Zona Rio.
Zoining Permit for Zona Rio
Mexican law requires that only licensed pharmaceutical labs can present medications that they manufacture for testing. Each medication is then tested by the Mexican Government. If that specific medication is approved then authorized distributors and license pharmacies are able to purchase and sell that medication.
The Mexican Government regulates each pharmaceutical laboratory on a daily bases. They make sure that each approved medication contains the exact formula, substance and dosage.
Our government also requlates each Pharmaceutical distributor to make sure that they only sell to licensed pharmacies and most importantly that all medications they sell come from approved and licensed laboratories.
Medicina Mexico purchases their medications from the following Mexican licensed distributors:
1. Nadro;
2. Farmacos Nacionales;
3. Equilibrio Farmaceutico;
4. Victory;
5. Difarmer; and
6. Pacifarma, SA de CV
Click here and you will see an invoice to Medicina Mexico from our distributor Nadro.
Medicina Mexico Invoice from Nadro
Click here and you will see an invoice to Medicina Mexico from our distributor Difarmer.
Medicina Mexico Invoice from Difarmer
Click here and you will see an invoice to Medicina Mexico from our distributor Pacifarma.
Medicina Mexico Invoice from Pacifarma
Please also note: Medicina Mexico requires that each time you purchase a medication that you declare under the penalty of perjury that you have in your possession a valid prescription issued by a Medicial Doctor in your Country if required. Because we sell worldwide and not specific to any country consequently, we do not know the laws of each country as they are different than Mexico. In Mexico all the medications that we sell are over the counter.
In some countries a prescription is required either by Federal, State, City or Country law. It is your duty to have any prescriptions that are required in your possession at all times. Each of our medications are sold in Spanish, however you can obtain a English description from our web pages or by going to:
We reserve the right to substitute Generics that contain the exact same active substance.
NEVER Take a medication without the permission of your medical doctor. In most countries there is a free clinic where you can see a doctor for very little money and obtain any required prescriptions.
We have two governmental agencies that regulate us.
The first one is Hacienda.
The second one is the Secretaria de Salud and Cofepris Secretaria de Salud and Cofepris.