Model:Generic As C
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Generic As Cor Sol. (Drops) 24 ml. Norfenefrina
Hydrochloride norfenilefrina. THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS: · Hypotension. · Hypotension in pregnancy. · Hypotension orthostatic. · Dystonias neurocirculatory hypotonic type. PHARMACOKINETICS AND PHARMACODYNAMICS IN HUMAN:
The norfenilefrina is an agent sympathomimetic with activity predominantly alpha -adrenergic. As a result of this activity is increased peripheral vascular resistance and increases or maintains blood pressure. The main cardiovascular response to the administration of norfenilefrina, Is the elevation of blood pressure, which is associated with sinus bradycardia due to reflex activity vagal.
· Hypertension. · Glaucoma. · Hypersensitivity to the active. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS:
Patients who are intolerant of other sympathomimeticCan not tolerate norfenilefrina. If there hypovolemiaIt is important to correct it before starting treatment norfenilefrina. In patients with tachycardia or rhythm disorders and cardiac and vascular functional alterations serious treatment A.Åž. COR® should be given special attention by the doctor and must take strict control of the frequency and heart rate and blood pressure.
Please consult your personal physitian before starting on any medical treatment.