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We are no longer taking phone calls or adding shipping information into the web servers.  Please do not send us an email asking if your order has shipped, or for a tracking number as our English Section is no longer connected to the Shipping Department as of August 22, 2023, by orders of our Board of Directors.  We answer all emails within 48 hours and that will never stop.

We process all Express Orders first then Mex Post Orders. Each order is time stamped. All Mex Post orders are shipped within 92 hours of receipt of funds. If we are out of medicine at the time of shipping and more than 10 days have past where the medicine is still out of stock then we will issue you a CREDIT on ACCOUNT that can be used at any time. We do not provide tracking numbers unless your order is more than 40 days late beyond all custom delays.

PLEASE NOTE: Medicina Mexico has no influence over any government's customs. Access to our shipping computers is no longer available to our English Sections because it has resulted in that department failure to finish its daily duties.

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The UNITED STATES and some other countries require a prescription on all medications sold from Mexico. They further require documentation in English and an invoice of all medicines sold for customs.  For these countries, Medicina Mexico is now delivering your medicines to Dr. Isaac Reyes, MD (Ced. Federal 644884) (Ced. Estatal 1537-02/05) along with the required documentation including documentation on each medication sold in English is from Wolters Kluwer.   Dr. Reyes upon receipt of your medication will issue a prescription and provide for shipping pursuant to your order.  If for any reason, Dr. Reyes fails to issue a prescription for a specific medication, then you will receive a Credit on Account

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Licensed pharmacies in Mexico are only allowed to sell medications, either brands or generics, from an approved pharmaceutical which has passed testing and has subsequently been authorized by the Mexican Government.

Never take a medication without first consulting and getting permission from your MD.

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CAVERJECT 20MCG Injection PRE 1x1ml, Alprostadil

CAVERJECT 20MCG Injection PRE 1x1ml, Alprostadil
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CAVERJECT 20MCG Injection PRE 1x1ml, Alprostadil



DRUG CLASSProstaglandin

How alprostadil works

Alprostadil is a prostaglandin. It relaxes the muscles around your penis and opens the blood vessels to allow more blood to flow into the penis, resulting in the ability to have an erection.

What is alprostadil used for?

  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction when used together with other lab tests - Caverject and Caverject Impulse only

Typical dosing for alprostadil

  • Treatment of ED: The first injections will be done at the provider's office so they can determine the right dose for you. Depending on the cause of your condition, the typical starting dose ranges from 1.25 mcg to 2.5 mcg injected into the base of the penis. Based on your response, your provider might raise the dose until you achieve an erection that's appropriate for sexual intercourse and doesn't last for longer than 1 hour. If you're using Caverject, the maximum recommended dose is 60 mcg and you shouldn't use more than 2 doses in 24 hours.
  • Diagnosis of ED: Together with lab testing, your provider will inject 1 dose of Caverject into the base of your penis and monitor for an erection.

Alprostadil is also available as an intravenous (IV) infusion that's used as a temporary treatment for newborns who are born with certain heart defects. This form of the medication is administered by a healthcare provider.


Pros and cons of alprostadil


Thumbs UpStarts to work quickly within 5 to 20 minutes

Thumbs UpCan last for up to 1 hour

Thumbs UpCaverject comes with a single chamber syringe and a cartridges that makes it easier to prepare


Thumbs DownNot a first-choice option for treating ED

Thumbs DownBrand-name medication only

Thumbs DownMight be difficult for some people to administer correctly

Thumbs DownCan cause pain in the penis


Pharmacist tips for alprostadil

Alprostadil shouldn't be used more than 3 times per week and shouldn't be given more often than 1 time every 24 hours.

You should receive training from your provider or pharmacist on how to give yourself alprostadil. Make sure you know how to give yourself alprostadil to avoid accidentally hurting yourself or wasting the medication. Read the Instructions For Use (Caverject,  for the medication you're prescribed and contact your provider or pharmacist if you have any questions on how to use this medication.

If you're using Caverjecafter the medication is mixed, store it at or below 77ºF (but do not refrigerate or freeze the medication) and use the dose within 24 hours.

Wipe the site of injection with an alcohol wipe before injection in order to clean the area. After injecting, hold a sterile gauze or alcohol wipe to the injection site for 5 minutes to prevent or stop bleeding.

Only inject alprostadil into the side or base, on the lower one-third of your penis. Make sure to alternate injection sites and the sides of your penis that's injected to avoid skin irritation and pain. Don't inject into visible veins. Doing so can cause the medication to get into your blood stream, which can cause serious heart side effects.

After giving yourself the medication, throw the needle and syringe away in a sharps container or something made of heavy-duty plastic, such as an empty milk carton or laundry detergent bottle, to lower the risk of needle-stick injuries. Don't throw away needles or syringes in your trash can. When your sharps container is almost full, close it tightly with the cap.

Each alprostadil vial (Caverject), syringe and cartridge should only be used once. Throw them away after you administer the injection. Don't save any leftover medication to avoid infections.

Always check the medication solution to make sure it's clear and colorless before using it. If it's cloudy, discolored, or has particles, don't use it. Contact your Medical Doctor for further advice.

If the needle is bent, throw it away into a sharps container and attach a new, unused needle. Don't try to straighten it because you might poke yourself. Don't re-use or share needles to avoid spreading infections.

Get medical help right away if you have an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours so you can receive treatment to prevent permanent damage to your penis.

Using alprostadil doesn't protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, and doesn't prevent pregnancy.

You should see your provider every 3 months for check-ups to make sure it's safe for you to continue taking alprostadil and to examine your penis for side effects, such as scarring, skin irritation, and changes in skin color.

If the needle breaks during injection, contact your doctor right away.

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